Avi the Robot
Avi the Robot was a project to promote Paramount’s brands, by creating a series of compelling short animated content using storytelling, stop motion, 2d animation and CG. Since 2016, Noella worked closely with producers and designers to conceptualize the character, bring storylines and concept to life, then went on to supervising production and animation of each piece. The final videos are part of the daily screen content projected inside Paramount headquarters across the globe.
How it was made
Over the course of 6 years, Noella was assigned with creating dozens of short animated content promoting Viacom’s core values of innovation, inclusivity, collaboration, agility and adaptability . The stop motion puppet armature was engineered in Spain based on her own design. Noella collaborated with an in house designer, Michael Boczon, in order to produce a 3d printed head with LED lights to allow the eyes of the character to emote on command. Upon creating concept and storyline with the VP producer, they’d go into production with a team of designers, production crew and editors. Noella supervised the process from scratch to finish, including set design, animation and shooting days to bring Avi the robot to life. Due to the success of the project, Avi the robot has become a running series in which Noella is creating continuous screen content using the character.